Whiplash and Chiropractic

Whiplash is a common injury and condition that presents itself to a Chiropractic office. Here at Schertz Chiropractic, we have extensive training and experience dealing with these type of injuries. Many times individuals are given advice of you will be sore a few days and it will go away. This type of advice is what often creates chronic conditions and symptoms such as limited mobility, chronic tightness, and advanced degenerative changes. If you are involved in a collision it is important to have a Chiropractic consultation and evaluation. Symptoms can range widely between individuals, but respond well the faster a condition is treated. Restoring proper biomechanics, movement patterns and strength will assist the health of a spine and avoid future...

Grateful for 2016

As this year comes to a close, I would like to thank all of our practice members for all of the efforts and dedication in changing your life and health with Chiropractic. We have seen some amazing results and life changing improvements allowing each person to better express their true innate health. I am personally grateful for all of our members who we see as family, along with our amazing staff and team. I always remember the saying, if you don’t appreciate a team member just wait until they do not show up. It is my hope that 2017 brings everyone a healthier, happier year making one of your best. Dr. Martin Schertz...

Health Care verse Sick Care

Well the election is finally over and the topic of healthcare continues to be a controversial one. Whatever side of the fence you are one, the fact that healthcare costs continue to climb. My personal policy premiums jumped 66%, and I have not used my insurance plan during the two years I have had it. So, that brings me to the topic of health care or sick care. Research has always shown that individuals that value their health and are preventative have less health issues, insurance claims and medical costs. This fits the Chiropractic model well with a healthy lifestyle and avoiding the high cost of medical care and sick care. Most health insurance is not for health, but for a catastrophic event. This is why we are seeing 50-70 dollar co-pays, 10,000 dollar deductibles and limited coverage for of course the things that you actually will need and use. It is time for this country and society to see the value to prevention and not waiting for everything to break down before taking the time to resolve it. The Chiropractic model is get well and stay well. It is not based strictly on pain or whether it hurts today. It is my hope that this next year more individuals will seek the path to healthcare and healthy living verse the sick/pain care model. My last thought, ask more questions when it comes to your body and health. Chiropractically Yours, Patrick W. Martin,...

How to get the most out of your Chiropractic care

In our office the individuals that see great results usually have certain patterns or attitudes towards their care. Here are a few of the things that can improve your results. 1. Get involved and ask questions 2. Begin care early, the longer you wait the longer it takes 3. Make changes to your daily activities and postures 4. Start stretching 5. Start walking 6. Perform spinal stability and postural exercises 7. Follow an outlined care program 8. Don’t let pain be the only marker of progress 9. Continue with a maintenance program 10. Have a view of your long term health and not just lack of symptoms or disease to live...